20 activities to do with your family this weekend!


It is already friday! How are you doing?

It is also a good day to plan your weekend! The memories children preserve when they grow up generally include most of the free times they’ve spent with parents, siblings and relatives. It is important to dedicate time and efforts to make these moments unique, as we know the available time is limited during the week due to working hours, school time, etc.

In order to support you, Brilliance International School brings to you a list of 20 things to do with your family this weekend! Check the preview list below and if you like it, may access the complete article. It may help your creativity:

1 – A picnic
2 – Collect leaves
3 – Watch sports games live with your kid
4 – Make a sunflower

Do you want to read the rest of the list? Access the complete article clicking here . A courtesy from parents.com .

Have a nice weekend!

When to worry about your child’s fever


All the parents worry whenever a moment of tension arrives: a fever.

It can be nothing, but it also indicates a few other possibilities. Here is a 90 seconds video from Parents Magazine about when to worry about a fever. Of course, in all of the cases, please search for a proper doctor for medical assistance before buying or using any sorts of medicine. Safety always comes first!

How to draw a beach for kids


Beach memories: isn’t it an amazing thing that you remember when you were a kid?

One of the greatest memories people keep from their childhood are the drawings. Either from the kids or created together with the parents, it is a symbol of this wonderful time of discovery called childhood. We’ll be posting on this blog small videos, like today’s 2 minute tutorial, on how to make drawings for children.

You can help the child and make she draw it herself, or draw together, it is up to you!

This activity enhances the creativity, innovation and when the parent supports creates a great connection between you and your kid. Enjoy the video!